Vitamine Machine
Vitamine Machine
In addition to the motor body, Common Wealth 220 V 2800 rpm cooling fan is used. This fan continuously cools the electric motor even in the lower revolutions as it is operated independently from the motor. The 8-arm (8 breakers) mixer and scraper pallet provide the material flow steadily with the cycle in correct proportion as it feeds the screw during the operation. The carrier screw is made of polyamide, semi-polyamide, metal coated with nickel or aluminum as per the request. It has the opportunity to operate with the carrier screw variations having 7 different pitches (10-12-16-24-30-40-52-72-90). The eight-arm mixer and scraper pallet which designed using the latest technology and in the body provide the material flow steadily with the cycle in correct proportion as it feeds the screw during the operation. It is possible to obtain extraction using a speed control device at the minimum and maximum capacity ratio. The cooling fan available on the body of the motor cools the electric motor even at the lower cycles and provides a non-problematic operation with regard to motor.